Madame Yanick

Not long before the clock strikes five, Madame Yanick suddenly jumps up from her restless night. She had a nightmare about the tragic happening that occurred in Port-au-Prince some time ago. When the earthquake hit her home was one of many that collapsed and like many other citizens, Madame Yanick relocated to Fond-des-Blanc to pursue her career and start anew. Just as the clock turned fifteen past five, as the sun peeped through the vent block openings, she turned over in her bed to gain comfort from the sun gazing over the picture that stood on her nightstand. It was a picture of her mother, the only memory she managed to take with her from her damaged home in Port-au-Prince. Madame Yanick kisses her middle and pointer fingers and slowly sweeps them across the photo, then gets out of bed. She begins to prepare for her busy day ahead of her by taking care of personal hygiene and slipping into her favorite dress. She then goes into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast, packs a lunch, then begins her morning stroll to school.
Along her morning stroll, the same one she usually walks, she is joined by the sounds of chickens, kids laughter, and donkeys trotting. Madame Yanick finally makes it to school where she emerges into the presence of all of her students in their uniforms ready to dive into today’s lesson. Madame Yanick teaches elementary students, she has a die-hard passion for kids and their education.
School comes to an end and Madame Yanick begins her daily strut back home, only this time with a trail of kids to follow. Along the walk, two young boys detour to “fetch a pail of water” as the other continues to her home.
Upon arrival to her home, they’re invited to sit on the porch as she reads stories to them.
Meanwhile the gentlemen return with the water for everyone to enjoy. Before it gets too late Madame Yanick thanks the kids for joining her and encourages them to start their two-mile walk home. As the children all leave, Madame Yanick prepares her evening meal with two neighbors underneath the mango tree, where the most shade is provided. As the smell of red beans, rice, and fried chicken linger in the air; food is ready.She enjoys her meal, cleans dishes afterward, and empties trash on the side of her home.
By now the sun is beginning to set, Madame Yanick prepares for the next day, says a prayer, and reminds herself of the amazing day she had, “Bondye bon!” To sleep she goes to begin again the next day.