Adventures in Haiti

The culture of a place is the most important element to consider in design. On of Haiti's most prominent elements of Haiti's cutlture is water. Life revolves around water. In Haiti water plays an enormous role in everyday life. As Americans we take simple tasks such as bathing, laundry, or even simply brushing our teeth for granted. For Haitians the involvement of water brings community. Everything in the Haitians day is based on when, where, and how they obtain their water and who they obtain it with.
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Photos by Morgan Oiler
Site Overview
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Photo by Morgan Oiler
Water is not only an important element to the Haitian culture, but to our site development as well. During our time in Haiti our team researched hydrology patterns on our site. The site was broken up into six regions. We started our research at the Ephemeral stream which cuts through the site. We recorded potential wet lands, ponds, and water flow patterns. We noticed the direction of water flow and where water collected. Haiti is currently in its dry season so we were able to notice where ponds of water occur. It was important to get accurate sketches to understand what areas are unbuildable.
Photos by Morgan Oiler